There are over 40 different Powershares ETF tickers that track different US sectors and industries. It is possible to build sector based stock market strategies with only these exchange traded funds provided by Invesco PowerShares Capital Management LLC company.
It could a a great alternative to iShares index funds or SPDR ETFs. Some of the best known Powershares tickers includes Dynamic Biotechnology & Genome Portfolio with ticker PBE, Dynamic Energy Exploration & Production Portfolio with ticker symbol PXE or Dynamic Food & Beverage Portfolio with symbols PBJ. I like to tracks these sectors ETFs and have some of them in my list of etfs.
US Dollar index Powershares ETFs
There are also two specific PowerShares exchange traded funds that track movement of US dollar currency against other major world currencies. This movement is calculated by US dollar index and this index is the base for these two PowerShares exchange traded funds.
PowerShares DB US Dollar Bearish Fund with ticker UDN rises when the US dollar weakens against other major currencies, and DB US Dollar Bullish Fund with symbol UUP rises when USD is strong against other major currencies.
I like to trade these two exchange traded funds as alternative to my direct currency trades on the FX market.
Check these two charts of UUP and UDN.

Powershares high yield equity dividend ETFs
Powershares company offers also several special exchange traded funds The first one are exchange traded funds that tracks equities providing some additional income, like dividends. There are five special funds in this category: Dividend Achievers Portfolio ETF with symbol, PFM , High Yield Equity Dividend Achievers Portfolio (PEY), International Dividend Achievers (PID), KBW High Dividend Yield Financial (KBWD), PowerShares S&P 500 High Dividend with symbol SPHD.
Other Special Powershares groups
Powershares are active in offering very specific exchange traded funds tracking special strategies. The very specific groups includes Strategies group with ETFs like Buyback Achievers Portfolio (PKW) or Momentum groups with DWA Developed Markets Technical Leaders (PIZ) or Low Volatility group with tickers like S&P 500 Low Volatility (SPLV).
There are many others interesting exchange traded funds and I recommend every serious etf trader or investor to study Powershares ticker list more in details.
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